Search sensitivity
In the search system, you can adjust the sensitivity of searches based on how strictly the system matches the query against the data. Here’s how you might categorize different types of sensitivity:
- Exact
The search system requires the terms in the query to appear exactly in the same order on the field.
"parameters": {
"names": [
"operator": "is",
"value": "Girl Guns",
"search_sensitivity": "exact"
"reveal_all_data": false,
"page_size": 100
"company_data" : {
"company_name" : "Girl Guns"
- Medium Sensitivity
This level has two sub-categories that offer a balance between precision, flexibility and allow search within the text.
2.1. High Medium Sensitivity
The search system requires the terms in the query to appear exactly in the same order within the text. This ensures precise matches and is useful when the exact phrasing or sequence of words is important.
"parameters": {
"names": [
"operator": "is",
"value": "Girl Guns",
"search_sensitivity": "high medium"
"reveal_all_data": false,
"page_size": 100
"company_data" : {
"company_name" : "Dirty Girl Guns, LLC"
"company_data" : {
2.2. Low Medium Sensitivity
It’s still sensitive but allows for some flexibility in the results, offering a balance between precision and recall. allow Fuzziness up to 2 characters
"parameters": {
"names": [
"operator": "is",
"value": "Girl Guns",
"search_sensitivity": "low medium"
"reveal_all_data": false,
"page_size": 100
"company_data": {
"company_name": "Girl With Guns"
"company_data": {
"company_name": "Dirty Girl Guns, LLC"
"company_data": {
"company_name": "Girl W Guns 2a"
"company_data": {
"company_name": "A Texas Girl S Guns"
"company_data": {
"company_data": {
"company_name": "A Girl & A Gun Nation, LLC"
- Low Sensitivity: Fuzzy Matching
Allows for variations or small errors in the search terms (e.g., spelling mistakes, synonyms, or related words). The search system might match terms even if they are not exact, allowing for broader results. This is useful for more relaxed queries where close matches are sufficient, even if they’re not perfect. Allow Fuziness up to 6 characters.
"parameters": {
"names": [
"operator": "is",
"value": "Girl Guns",
"search_sensitivity": "low"
"reveal_all_data": false,
"page_size": 100
"company_data": {
"company_name": "Girl With Guns"
"company_data": {
"company_name": "Dirty Girl Guns, LLC"
"company_data": {
"company_name": "Guns For Girls"
"company_data": {
"company_name": "Girl W Guns 2a"
"company_data": {
"company_name": "Girls N Guns, L.L.C."
"company_data": {
"company_name": "Gill Guns LLC"
} `
` },
"company_data": {
"company_name": "God Girls Guns LLC"
"company_data": {
"company_name": "Girls With Guns Inc."
"company_data": {
"company_data": {
"company_name": "GIRL AND GUYS"
Default Settings and Limitations :
- Default Sensitivity Level: The system defaults to high medium sensitivity.
- At the moment the sensitivity parameter is only available for Company parameters : names, domains, technologies_product_names, technologies_product_vendors, cities and for Office parameters : names, cities, domains.for others fields the system return a 400 Bad request error
- The sensitivity parameter only work for operator : is, is one of, is not, is not one of, includes, excludes and for others operator the system return a 400 Bad request error
Updated 2 months ago