Get Profile API

The Get Profile API helps you retrieve the most up-to-date information on a Profile you already identify.

Just by using Neuron360 Profile identification (profile_id).

You must have an active API key and a valid subscription to use the Get Profile API. If we have a Neuron360 user account, you can log in to the Neuron360 Portal. You can copy your API key from the account section. If you don't have one, no worries; book an appointment with one of our Neuron360 sale representatives to start with a trial.




All profile returns will be charged as one profile record credit against your credit balance.


On success (200)

Response FieldDescription
queryThe query parameters of the request.
countsThe total number of records (*) that match the request query.
resultsThe profile data returned ordered.
transaction_detailAll information related to the transaction.

(*) All counts provided are an approximation of the number of records.

On error (4XX)

Response FieldDescription
queryThe query parameters of the request.
errorsThe list of errors encountered for this request.
transaction_detailAll information related to the transaction.

Rate Limit

Neuron360 API applies rate limits based on the product used. The rate limits are associated with your account API key.

profile1,500 requests per minute per account / API Key (*)

(*) If you send requests at a higher pace, the API will send an error of too many requests (429).