Contact Data Dictionary with Examples

Contact fields with type, description and examples

NameData TypeDescriptionExample
contact_data.company_address.accuracystringSpecifies the geocoding precision level for the company's HQ address. This value indicates how accurately the geocoded location matches the input address, with possible levels such as 'ROOFTOP' or 'APPROXIMATE'.ROOFTOP
contact_data.company_address.administrative_area_level_1stringRefers to the primary administrative region associated with the company's HQ address, such as a state, province, or major region within a country.California
contact_data.company_address.administrative_area_level_2stringSecondary administrative division of the company's HQ address, typically smaller than a state or province, such as a county, prefecture, or district.Santa Clara County
contact_data.company_address.administrative_area_level_3stringIndicates a smaller administrative unit within a county or district for the company's HQ address, often referred to as a municipality, township, or borough.Cupertino
contact_data.company_address.administrative_area_level_4stringDefines a localized area within a municipality for the company's HQ address, such as a neighborhood, ward, or smaller district.West Valley
contact_data.company_address.administrative_area_level_5stringThe most specific geographic subunit within the HQ address area, such as a small locality, hamlet, or village.Apple Park Area
contact_data.company_address.citystringCity where the company's HQ address is located, identifying the urban area or municipality associated with the HQ address.Cupertino
contact_data.company_address.confidence_scorefloatGeocoding confidence score for the company's HQ address, indicating the level of certainty in the geocoding process.0.95
contact_data.company_address.continentstringContinent in which the company's HQ address is located, identifying the broadest geographic division such as 'North America', 'Europe', or 'Asia'.North America
contact_data.company_address.countrystringFull name of the country where the company's HQ address is located, providing clarity in global contexts.United States of America
contact_data.company_address.country_codestringStandardized two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country of the company's HQ address.US
contact_data.company_address.countystringRepresents the county in which the company's HQ address is located, used for administrative and geographic classification.Los Angeles County
contact_data.company_address.establishmentstringName of the specific establishment or building at the company's HQ address, such as an office or facility name.Apple HQ
contact_data.company_address.formatted_addressstringComplete, human-readable format of the company's HQ address, combining all relevant components into a single string.One Apple Park Way, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA
contact_data.company_address.last_modified_datestring (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)Last modified date when the company's HQ address was updated, formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'.12-2-24 10:30 AM
contact_data.company_address.latfloatLatitude of the company's HQ address, specifying the geographic coordinate for north-south positioning.37.332331
contact_data.company_address.lngfloatLongitude of the company's HQ address, specifying the geographic coordinate for east-west positioning.-122.031219
contact_data.company_address.localitystringLocality or neighborhood of the company's HQ address, providing finer geographic detail within a town or city.Cupertino
contact_data.company_address.place_idstringGeoCoding Place ID for the company's HQ address, used for unique identification in geographic databases.ChIJ2eUgeAK6j4ARbn5u_wAGqWA
contact_data.company_address.postal_codestringPostal code or ZIP code of the company's HQ address, used for mail delivery purposes.95014
contact_data.company_address.postal_townstringTown or city associated with the company's HQ postal address, identifying the locality or primary postal area.Cupertino
contact_data.company_address.premisestringGeocoding premise for the company's HQ address, indicating a named location such as a building or campus.Apple Campus
contact_data.company_address.qualitystringGeocoding quality for the company's HQ address, indicating the reliability of the geocoding data.High
contact_data.company_address.regionstringRegion of the company's HQ address, identifying broader administrative areas.California
contact_data.company_address.scorefloatIndicates, as a percentage, the score of the company's HQ address based on data completeness and reliability.98.5
contact_data.company_address.statestringFull name of the state or province associated with the company's HQ address.California
contact_data.company_address.state_codestringAbbreviated state or province code associated with the company's HQ address, using standardized two-letter codes.CA
contact_data.company_address.statistical_area.cbsa_codestringCore-Based Statistical Area (CBSA) code associated with the company's HQ address, identifying metropolitan or micropolitan statistical areas.31084
contact_data.company_address.statistical_area.cbsa_namestringName of the Core-Based Statistical Area (CBSA) corresponding to the company's HQ address.San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara
contact_data.company_address.streetstringStreet associated with the company's HQ address, providing detailed address components.Apple Park Way
contact_data.company_address.street_addressstringThe primary street address used by the company's HQ location.One Apple Park Way
contact_data.company_address.street_numberstringStreet number associated with the company's HQ address, providing additional specificity.1
contact_data.company_address.sublocalitystringGeocoding sub-locality used for mailing addresses in some countries for the company's HQ address.Santa Clara
contact_data.company_address.subpremisestringAdditional address details for a subunit within a larger building at the company's HQ address, such as an apartment or suite.Suite 100
contact_data.company_domainstringThe official internet domain name of the company, typically used for email addresses and website URLs (e.g., ""). This field helps uniquely identify the company in online contexts and is useful for verification and digital presence
contact_data.company_employees.number_of_employeesintegerThe total number of employees reported for the company, represented as an integer value.164000
contact_data.company_employees.number_of_employees_codestringA code categorizing the range or classification of the company's total employee count.More than 10,000
contact_data.company_employees.number_of_employees_maxintegerThe maximum estimated number of employees for the company, providing an upper boundary.10000
contact_data.company_employees.number_of_employees_minintegerThe minimum estimated number of employees for the company, providing a lower boundary.10000
contact_data.company_financials[0].priorityintegerIndicates the priority level assigned to the financial data, represented as an integer value.1
contact_data.company_financials[0].yearly_growth.codestringA code categorizing the type of yearly growth, such as specific metrics or growth trends.actual
contact_data.company_financials[0].yearly_growth.percentagefloatThe percentage value representing the company's yearly growth.8.5
contact_data.company_financials[0].yearly_growth.scorefloatA score indicating the reliability or significance of the yearly growth data.95
contact_data.company_financials[0].yearly_growth.typestringThe type of yearly growth metric, such as 'modeled' or 'actual'.actual
contact_data.company_financials[0].yearly_growth.yearintegerThe year associated with the reported yearly growth data.2023
contact_data.company_financials[0].yearly_revenue.currencystringThe currency in which the yearly revenue is reported, using standard currency codes (e.g., 'USD', 'EUR').USD
contact_data.company_financials[0].yearly_revenue.reported_datestring (YYYY-MM-DD)The date when the yearly revenue data was reported, formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DD'.9-30-23 12:00 AM
contact_data.company_financials[0].yearly_revenue.revenuefloatThe total revenue for the year, expressed as a float value.394,330,000,000
contact_data.company_financials[0].yearly_revenue.scorefloatA score indicating the reliability or accuracy of the yearly revenue data.97.5
contact_data.company_financials[0].yearly_revenue.typestringThe type of revenue reported, such as 'modeled' or 'actual'.actual
contact_data.company_financials[0].yearly_revenue.yearintegerThe year associated with the reported revenue data.2023
contact_data.company_idstringA unique identifier assigned to the company within the system. This ID is used to ensure precise linking and tracking of company-related data across various datasets and applications.comp-irwe-375ae0590cf082e5d197801d6c740731
contact_data.company_industries[0].activity_priorityintegerIndicates the level of relevance or emphasis the company activities on this industry classification.1
contact_data.company_industries[0].code2stringA high-level classification code representing the broad industry group to which the company belongs.54
contact_data.company_industries[0].code3stringA mid-level classification code that provides a more focused category of the company’s activities.541
contact_data.company_industries[0].code4stringA detailed industry code used to narrow down the company's business operations within its sector.5415
contact_data.company_industries[0].code5stringRepresents a refined classification code for specific subcategories of the company’s operations.54151
contact_data.company_industries[0].code6stringThe most specific classification code that identifies the company's niche industry within a hierarchy.541512
contact_data.company_industries[0].idstringA unique identifier for linking or referencing this particular industry classification record.NAICS_541512
contact_data.company_industries[0].name2stringThe general name of the industry category at a broad classification level, providing an overview.Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
contact_data.company_industries[0].name3stringThe name of the industry at an intermediate level, offering more context about the company’s field.Software Publishers
contact_data.company_industries[0].name4stringThe specific name of the industry subcategory, detailing the company’s focus area.Computer Systems Design and Related Services
contact_data.company_industries[0].name5stringA deeper classification name that highlights the company’s specialized business activities.Software Development Services
contact_data.company_industries[0].name6stringA precise industry name reflecting the company’s specific niche within its broader market.Computer Systems Design Services
contact_data.company_industries[0].priorityintegerRepresents the significance of this industry category in describing the company’s operations.1
contact_data.company_industries[0].standardstringIdentifies the industry classification framework applied to the company’s industry mapping. Potential values include NAICS, UKSIC, USSIC, or NACE, which are widely recognized industrial standards and taxonomies.NAICS
contact_data.company_industrystringSpecifies a generic industry classification for the company, such as "Internet," "Computer Networking," or "Manufacturing," resembling the broader industry categories.Consumer Electronics
contact_data.company_logo_urlstringThe URL linking to the company's logo image. This can be used for visual representation in profiles, dashboards, or reports.
contact_data.company_namestringThe official name of the company associated with the contact. This field is used to identify the organization in reports, directories, and profiles.Apple Inc.
contact_data.company_phones[0].carrierstringThe name of the carrier or service provider for the phone number.AT&T
contact_data.company_phones[0].ddibooleanIndicates if the phone number is a Direct Dial-In (DDI) number, represented as a boolean value.TRUE
contact_data.company_phones[0].dncbooleanIndicates if the phone number is listed as Do Not Call (DNC), represented as a boolean value.FALSE
contact_data.company_phones[0].phonestringThe phone number associated with the company, formatted as a string.+1-800-692-7753
contact_data.company_phones[0].priorityintegerThe priority level assigned to the phone number for contact purposes, represented as an integer.1
contact_data.company_phones[0].typestringThe type of phone number, such as 'mobile', 'landline', or 'fax'.landline
contact_data.company_revenue_in_usdfloatThe company's annual revenue expressed in US dollars (USD). This field provides a standardized financial metric for comparing company revenues across different regions and currencies.394,330,000,000
contact_data.company_revenue_in_usd_codestringA classification code representing the company's annual revenue in USD. This code is used to categorize revenue ranges or bands for analytical or reporting purposes.More than 1B
contact_data.company_social_links.crunchbase.urlstringThe URL of the company's Crunchbase profile.
contact_data.company_social_links.facebook.urlstringThe URL of the company's Facebook page.
contact_data.company_social_links.instagram.urlstringThe URL of the company's Instagram profile.
contact_data.company_social_links.linkedin.urlstringThe URL of the company's LinkedIn profile.
contact_data.company_social_links.twitter.urlstringThe URL of the company's Twitter account.
contact_data.company_social_links.yelp.urlstringThe URL of the company's Yelp profile. URL of the company's YouTube channel.
contact_data.company_web_address.rankintegerThe rank of the company's web address based on relevance or usage, represented as an integer.37
contact_data.company_web_address.urlstringThe URL of the company's web address, formatted as a string.
contact_data.contact_address.accuracystringSpecifies the geocoding precision level for the contact's address. This value indicates how accurately the geocoded location matches the input address.ROOFTOP
contact_data.contact_address.administrative_area_level_1stringRefers to the primary administrative region associated with the contact's address, such as a state, province, or major region within a country.California
contact_data.contact_address.administrative_area_level_2stringSecondary administrative division of the contact's address, typically smaller than a state or province, such as a county, prefecture, or district.Santa Clara County
contact_data.contact_address.administrative_area_level_3stringIndicates a smaller administrative unit within a county or district for the contact's address, often referred to as a municipality, township, or borough.Cupertino
contact_data.contact_address.administrative_area_level_4stringDefines a localized area within a municipality for the contact's address, such as a neighborhood, ward, or smaller district.Infinite Loop
contact_data.contact_address.administrative_area_level_5stringThe most specific geographic subunit within the contact's address area, such as a small locality, hamlet, or village.Apple Campus
contact_data.contact_address.citystringCity where the contact's address is located, identifying the urban area or municipality associated with the address.Cupertino
contact_data.contact_address.confidence_scorefloatGeocoding confidence score for the contact's address, indicating the level of certainty in the geocoding process.0.99
contact_data.contact_address.continentstringContinent in which the contact's address is located, identifying the broadest geographic division, such as 'North America', 'Europe', or 'Asia'.North America
contact_data.contact_address.countrystringFull name of the country where the contact's address is located, providing clarity in global contexts.United States
contact_data.contact_address.country_codestringStandardized two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country of the contact's address.US
contact_data.contact_address.countystringRepresents the county in which the contact's address is located, used for administrative and geographic classification.Santa Clara
contact_data.contact_address.establishmentstringName of the specific establishment or building at the contact's address, such as a residential complex or workplace name.Apple HQ
contact_data.contact_address.formatted_addressstringComplete, human-readable format of the contact's address, combining all relevant components into a single string.1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA 95014
contact_data.contact_address.last_modified_datestring (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)Last modified date when the contact's address was updated, formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'.12-1-23 12:00 PM
contact_data.contact_address.latfloatLatitude of the contact's address, specifying the geographic coordinate for north-south positioning.37.33182
contact_data.contact_address.lngfloatLongitude of the contact's address, specifying the geographic coordinate for east-west positioning.-122.03118
contact_data.contact_address.localitystringLocality or neighborhood of the contact's address, providing finer geographic detail within a town or city.Cupertino
contact_data.contact_address.place_idstringGeoCoding Place ID for the contact's address, used for unique identification in geographic databases.ChIJ2eUgeAK6j4ARbn5u_wAGqWA
contact_data.contact_address.postal_codestringPostal code or ZIP code of the contact's address, used for mail delivery purposes.95014
contact_data.contact_address.postal_townstringTown or city associated with the contact's postal address, identifying the locality or primary postal area.Cupertino
contact_data.contact_address.premisestringGeocoding premise for the contact's address, indicating a named location such as a building or residential area.Apple Park
contact_data.contact_address.qualitystringGeocoding quality for the contact's address, indicating the reliability of the geocoding data.High
contact_data.contact_address.regionstringRegion of the contact's address, identifying broader administrative areas.West Coast
contact_data.contact_address.scorefloatIndicates, as a percentage, the score of the contact's address based on data completeness and reliability.95
contact_data.contact_address.statestringFull name of the state or province associated with the contact's address.California
contact_data.contact_address.state_codestringAbbreviated state or province code associated with the contact's address, using standardized two-letter codes.CA
contact_data.contact_address.statistical_area.cbsa_codestringCore-Based Statistical Area (CBSA) code associated with the contact's address, identifying metropolitan or micropolitan statistical areas.41940
contact_data.contact_address.statistical_area.cbsa_namestringName of the Core-Based Statistical Area (CBSA) corresponding to the contact's address.San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara
contact_data.contact_address.streetstringStreet associated with the contact's address, providing detailed address components.Infinite Loop
contact_data.contact_address.street_addressstringThe primary street address used by the contact's location.1 Infinite Loop
contact_data.contact_address.street_numberstringStreet number associated with the contact's address, providing additional specificity.1
contact_data.contact_address.sublocalitystringGeocoding sub-locality used for mailing addresses in some countries for the contact's address.Cupertino
contact_data.contact_address.subpremisestringAdditional address details for a subunit within a larger building at the contact's address, such as an apartment or suite.Suite 200
contact_data.contact_countrystringRepresents the country where the contact is currently located, derived from the contact's raw location data.United States of America
contact_data.contact_emails[0].emailstringThe email address associated with the contact, formatted as a string.[email protected]
contact_data.contact_emails[0].reasonstringThe reason or context for the email's current status, stored as a string.Verified through corporate database
contact_data.contact_first_namestringThe first name of the contact, stored as a string.Tim
contact_data.contact_idstringA unique identifier assigned to the contact, used for referencing the contact in systems.cont-shli-8bfa90cdb5548098cc94082e2b2f6aej
contact_data.contact_languages[0]stringThe primary language spoken or preferred by the contact, stored as a string.English
contact_data.contact_last_modified_datestring (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)The last date and time the contact's information was modified, formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'.12-1-23 3:30 PM
contact_data.contact_last_namestringThe last name of the contact, stored as a string.Cook
contact_data.contact_phones[0].phonestringThe contact's phone number, which could be a mobile, business, or personal phone, formatted as a string.-2413
contact_data.contact_phones[0].ddibooleanIndicates if the contact's phone number is a Direct Dial-In (DDI) number, represented as a boolean value.TRUE
contact_data.contact_phones[0].dncbooleanIndicates if the contact's phone number is listed as Do Not Call (DNC), represented as a boolean value.FALSE
contact_data.contact_phones[0].typestringThe type of phone number associated with the contact, such as 'mobile', 'landline', or 'business'.business
contact_data.contact_phones[0].carrierstringThe name of the carrier or service provider for the contact's phone number.AT&T
contact_data.contact_phones[0].priorityintegerThe priority level assigned to the contact's phone number for communication purposes, represented as an integer.1
contact_data.contact_social_links[0].namestringThe name of the social media platform or network associated with the contact's profile (e.g., "LinkedIn", "Twitter", "Facebook").LinkedIn
contact_data.contact_social_links[0].statusstringThe current status of the contact's social media profile, such as "active", "inactive", or "unknown".active
contact_data.contact_social_links[0].status_last_verification_datestring (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)The last date and time when the status of the contact's social media profile was verified, formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'.12-2-24 10:15 AM
contact_data.contact_social_links[0].urlstringThe URL of the contact's social media profile, directing to the individual's profile page on the specified platform.
contact_data.contact_still_at_company_statusstringIndicates whether the contact is still working at the associated company, with potential values such as "Yes", "No", or "Unknown".Yes
contact_data.contact_tags[0]stringA tag or keyword assigned to the contact for categorization or identification purposes, such as "has_mobile", "has_ddi", or "has_email", etc …has_phone, has_email
contact_data.job_functions[0].level1.confidence_scorefloatThe confidence score representing the reliability of the first-level job function classification within Rhetorik's taxonomy.0.95
contact_data.job_functions[0].level1.namestringThe name of the first level in the proprietary Rhetorik job functions taxonomy.General Management
contact_data.job_functions[0].level2.confidence_scorefloatThe confidence score representing the reliability of the second-level job function classification within Rhetorik's taxonomy.0.9
contact_data.job_functions[0].level2.namestringThe name of the second level in the proprietary Rhetorik job functions taxonomy.Executive
contact_data.job_functions[0].level3.confidence_scorefloatThe confidence score representing the reliability of the third-level job function classification within Rhetorik's taxonomy.0.88
contact_data.job_functions[0].level3.namestringThe name of the third level in the proprietary Rhetorik job functions taxonomy.Executive Management
contact_data.job_functions[0].priorityintegerThe priority assigned to the job function within Rhetorik's taxonomy, indicating its importance in classification.1
contact_data.job_seniority.job_levelstringThe job level from Rhetorik's proprietary seniority taxonomy, such as 'Manager' or 'Executive'.C-level
contact_data.job_titlestringThe primary job title of the contact, standardized using Rhetorik's proprietary training specifically for job title normalization.CEO
contact_data.job_title_details.normalized_job_title.idintegerThe unique identifier for the normalized job title within the Rhetorik taxonomy, tailored for job-specific contexts.101
contact_data.job_title_details.normalized_job_title.job_titlestringThe normalized job title derived from Rhetorik's proprietary training models, ensuring consistency and accuracy for job roles.Chief Executive Officer
contact_data.job_title_details.raw_job_title.job_titlestringThe raw, unprocessed job title as extracted directly from the source data before being processed by Rhetorik's specialized models.CEO
contact_data.job_title_details.raw_job_title.language_codestringThe language code (e.g., 'en', 'fr') detected for the raw job title using Rhetorik's job-specific language detection training.en
contact_data.job_title_details.raw_job_title.language_detection_confidence_scorefloatA confidence score indicating the reliability of the language detection for raw job titles, trained specifically for job-related text by Rhetorik.0.98
contact_data.job_title_details.raw_translated_job_title.job_titlestringThe translated job title produced by Rhetorik's specialized translation models, trained exclusively on job-related terminologies.Chief Executive Officer
contact_data.job_title_details.raw_translated_job_title.language_codestringThe language code (e.g., 'en', 'es') representing the language of the translated job title, determined using Rhetorik's tailored training.en
contact_data.office_address.accuracystringSpecifies the geocoding precision level for the office where the contact is assigned. Indicates how accurately the geocoded location matches the input address.ROOFTOP
contact_data.office_address.administrative_area_level_1stringRefers to the primary administrative region associated with the contact's office, such as a state, province, or major region.California
contact_data.office_address.administrative_area_level_2stringSecondary administrative division of the contact's office, such as a county, prefecture, or district.Santa Clara
contact_data.office_address.administrative_area_level_3stringIndicates a smaller administrative unit within a county or district for the contact's office, such as a municipality or township.Cupertino
contact_data.office_address.administrative_area_level_4stringDefines a localized area within a municipality for the contact's office, such as a neighborhood or ward.Bright Cove
contact_data.office_address.administrative_area_level_5stringThe most specific geographic subunit within the office address area, such as a small locality or hamlet.Morningstar
contact_data.office_address.citystringCity where the contact's office is located, identifying the urban area or municipality.Cupertino
contact_data.office_address.confidence_scorefloatGeocoding confidence score for the contact's office address, indicating the level of certainty in the geocoding process.0.95
contact_data.office_address.continentstringContinent in which the contact's office is located, identifying the broadest geographic division such as 'North America', 'Europe', or 'Asia'.North America
contact_data.office_address.countrystringFull name of the country where the contact's office is located, providing clarity in global contexts.United States
contact_data.office_address.country_codestringStandardized two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country of the contact's office address.US
contact_data.office_address.countystringRepresents the county in which the contact's office is located, used for administrative and geographic classification.Santa Clara
contact_data.office_address.establishmentstringName of the specific establishment or building where the contact's office is located, such as an office or facility name.Apple Park Visitor Center
contact_data.office_address.formatted_addressstringComplete, human-readable format of the contact's office address, combining all relevant components into a single string.10600 North Tantau Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA
contact_data.office_address.last_modified_datestring (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)Last modified date when the contact's office address was updated, formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'.12-1-24 3:30 PM
contact_data.office_address.latfloatLatitude of the contact's office address, specifying the geographic coordinate for north-south positioning.37.3349
contact_data.office_address.lngfloatLongitude of the contact's office address, specifying the geographic coordinate for east-west positioning.-122.009
contact_data.office_address.localitystringLocality or neighborhood of the contact's office address, providing finer geographic detail within a town or city.Cupertino
contact_data.office_address.place_idstringGoogle GeoCoding Place ID for the contact's office address, used for unique identification in geographic databases.ChIJ2eUgeAK6j4ARbn5u_wAGqWA
contact_data.office_address.postal_codestringPostal code or ZIP code of the contact's office address, used for mail delivery purposes.95014
contact_data.office_address.postal_townstringTown or city associated with the contact's office postal address, identifying the locality or primary postal area.Cupertino
contact_data.office_address.premisestringGeocoding premise for the contact's office address, indicating a named location such as a building or campus.Apple Park Visitor Center
contact_data.office_address.qualitystringGeocoding quality for the contact's office address, indicating the reliability of the geocoding data.High
contact_data.office_address.regionstringRegion of the contact's office address, identifying broader administrative areas.California
contact_data.office_address.scorefloatIndicates, as a percentage, the score of the contact's office address based on data completeness and reliability.98
contact_data.office_address.statestringFull name of the state or province associated with the contact's office address.California
contact_data.office_address.streetstringStreet associated with the contact's office address, providing detailed address components.North Tantau Avenue
contact_data.office_address.street_addressstringThe primary street address used by the contact's office location.10600 North Tantau Avenue
contact_data.office_address.street_numberstringStreet number associated with the contact's office address, providing additional specificity.10600
contact_data.office_address.sublocalitystringGeocoding sub-locality used for mailing addresses in some countries for the contact's office address.null
contact_data.office_address.subpremisestringAdditional address details for a subunit within a larger building at the contact's office address, such as an apartment or suite.Harbour House
contact_data.office_idstringThe unique identifier associated with the office where the contact is assigned or works.offi-irwe-76e40291go40fbb129183057445954z2
contact_data.office_industries[0].activity_priorityintegerIndicates the level of relevance or emphasis the office activities places on this industry classification.1
contact_data.office_industries[0].code2stringA high-level classification code representing the broad industry group to which the office's activities belong.51
contact_data.office_industries[0].code3stringA mid-level classification code that provides a more focused category of the office’s operations.513
contact_data.office_industries[0].code4stringA detailed industry code used to narrow down the office's business operations within its sector.5132
contact_data.office_industries[0].code5stringRepresents a refined classification code for specific subcategories of the office’s operations.51321
contact_data.office_industries[0].code6stringThe most specific classification code that identifies the office's niche industry within a hierarchy.513210
contact_data.office_industries[0].idstringA unique identifier for linking or referencing this particular industry classification record for the office.513210
contact_data.office_industries[0].name2stringThe general name of the industry category at a broad classification level, providing an overview of the office's focus.Information
contact_data.office_industries[0].name3stringThe name of the industry at an intermediate level, offering more context about the office’s primary activities.Prepackaged Software
contact_data.office_industries[0].name4stringThe specific name of the industry subcategory, detailing the office’s focus area.Software Publishers
contact_data.office_industries[0].name5stringA deeper classification name that highlights the office’s specialized business activities.Software Publishers
contact_data.office_industries[0].name6stringA precise industry name reflecting the office’s specific niche within its broader market.Application Software Developer
contact_data.office_industries[0].priorityintegerRepresents the significance of this industry category in describing the office’s operational focus.1
contact_data.office_industries[0].standardstringIdentifies the industry classification framework applied to the office’s industry mapping. Potential values include NAICS, UKSIC, USSIC, or NACE, which are recognized taxonomies.NAICS
contact_data.office_phones[0].phonestringThe phone number associated with the office where the contact is assigned, formatted as a string.+1-408-996-1010
contact_data.office_phones[0].ddibooleanIndicates if the office phone number is a Direct Dial-In (DDI) number, represented as a boolean value.TRUE
contact_data.office_phones[0].dncbooleanIndicates if the office phone number is listed as Do Not Call (DNC), represented as a boolean value.FALSE
contact_data.office_phones[0].typestringThe type of phone number assigned to the office, such as 'mobile', 'business', 'DDI' or '
contact_data.office_phones[0].carrierstringThe name of the carrier or service provider for the office phone number.AT&T
contact_data.office_phones[0].statusstringThe current status of the office phone number, such as 'active', 'inactive', or 'Unknown'.active
contact_data.office_phones[0].status_last_verification_datestring (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)The date and time when the office phone number's status was last verified, formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'.10-15-23 2:35 PM
contact_data.office_phones[0].scorefloatA confidence score indicating the reliability or accuracy of the office phone number information.0.95
contact_data.office_phones[0].priorityintegerThe priority level assigned to the office phone number for contact purposes, represented as an integer.1
contact_data.office_typestringSpecifies the type of office where the contact is assigned, such as "Headquarters," "Branch," or "Satellite Office." This field helps categorize the office's role within the organization.Branch
contact_data.priorityintegerRepresents the priority level assigned to the contact, indicating their importance or relevancy.1
contact_data.profile_idstringThe unique identifier associated with the professional profile of the contact in the
contact_data.raw_locationstringThe unprocessed or raw text representation of the contact's location as it appears in the data.Cupertino, California, United States
contact_data.start_datestring (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)The date when the contact started their role or association, formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DD'.8-24-11 12:00 AM
contact_data.summarystringA brief, auto-generated description of the contact's role or professional background, often sourced from platforms like LinkedIn job descriptions.Tim Cook is the CEO of Apple, a multinational technology company headquartered in Cupertino, California. With a career spanning over two decades at Apple, Cook is recognized for his contributions to global supply chain management, product innovation, and leading the company to become one of the most valuable in the world.