Company Data Dictionary
Updated December 2024
Field | Type | Description |
company_creation_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | Date the company data was created |
company_last_modified_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | Date the company data was last modified |
company_last_seen_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | Date the company was last seen |
company_id | string | Unique identifier for the company |
company_name | string | Name of the company |
company_domain | string | Domain name of the company |
company_description | string | Description of the company |
company_logo_url | string | URL to the company's logo |
company_type | string | Type of the company |
company_number_of_offices | integer | Number of offices the company has |
company_number_of_detected_technologies | integer | Number of detected technologies |
company_number_of_profiles | integer | Number of profiles associated with the company |
company_installs_count | long | Number of installs by the company |
company_number_of_contacts | long | Number of contacts within the company |
company_alternative_names.trade_names | array of strings | Trade names used by the company |
company_alternative_names.alias_names | array of strings | Alias names used by the company |
company_alternative_names.previous_names | array of strings | Previous names used by the company | | string | Phone number of the company |
company_phones.ddi | boolean | Whether the phone number has direct inward dialing |
company_phones.dnc | boolean | Whether the phone number is on the do-not-call list |
company_phones.type | string | Type of phone number (e.g., mobile, landline) |
company_phones.carrier | string | Carrier of the phone number |
company_phones.status | string | Status of the phone number verification |
company_phones.status_last_verification_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | Date the phone status was last verified |
company_phones.score | float | Quality score of the phone number |
company_phones.priority | integer | Priority of the phone number | | string | Email address of the company |
company_emails.status | string | Status of the email address verification |
company_emails.status_last_verification_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | Date the email status was last verified |
company_emails.score | float | Quality score of the email address |
company_emails.priority | integer | Priority of the email address |
company_web_address.url | string | Web address (URL) of the company |
company_web_address.rank | integer | Rank of the company's web address |
company_web_address.status | string | Status of the web address verification |
company_web_address.status_last_verification_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | Date the web address status was last verified |
company_web_address_aliases | array of strings | Aliases for the company's web address |
company_domain_aliases | array of strings | Aliases for the company's domain |
company_social_links.linkedin.url | string | LinkedIn URL of the company |
company_social_links.linkedin.status | string | Status of the LinkedIn URL verification |
company_social_links.linkedin.status_last_verification_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | Date the LinkedIn status was last verified |
company_social_links.twitter.url | string | X (Twitter) URL of the company |
company_social_links.twitter.status | string | Status of the X (Twitter) URL verification |
company_social_links.twitter.status_last_verification_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | Date the Twitter status was last verified |
company_social_links.facebook.url | string | Facebook URL of the company |
company_social_links.facebook.status | string | Status of the Facebook URL verification |
company_social_links.facebook.status_last_verification _date | string (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | Date the Facebook URL was last verified |
company_social_links.instagram.url | string | The Instagram URL of the company |
company_social_links.instagram.status | string | Status of the Instagram URL verification |
company_social_links.instagram.status_last_verification_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | Date the Instagram URL was last verified | | string | The Youtube URL of the company | | string | Status of the Youtube URL verification | | string (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | Date the Youtube URL was last verified |
company_social_links.yelp.url | string | The Yelp URL of the company |
company_social_links.yelp.status | string | Status of the Yelp URL verification |
company_social_links.yelp.status_last_verification_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | Date the Yelp URL was last verified |
company_social_links.cruchbase.url | string | The Crunchbase URL of the company |
company_social_links.crunchbase.status | string | Status of the Cruchbase URL verification |
company_social_links.crunchbase.status_last_verification_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | Date the Cruchbase URL was last verified |
company_tags | array of strings | Tags associated with the company | | string | Name under national registration |
company_national_registration.number | string | Registration number under national registration |
company_profile.date_founded | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | Date the company was founded |
company_profile.date_closed | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | Date the company was closed (if applicable) |
company_profile.fortune500_rank | integer | Fortune 500 rank of the company |
company_profile.entity_type | string | Type of entity the company is |
company_profile.ownership_type | string | Ownership type of the company |
company_profile.new_business | boolean | Whether the company is new |
company_profile.publicly_traded | boolean | Whether the company is publicly traded |
company_profile.small_business | boolean | Whether the company is a small business |
company_profile.marketable | boolean | Whether the company is marketable |
company_status | string | Status of the company |
company_status_last_verification_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | Date the company status was last verified |
company_status_score | float | Score of the company's status |
company_employees.number_of_employees | integer | The employee count of the company |
company_employees.number_of_employees_code | string | The code for the number of employees example: (1 - 10) |
company_data.company_financials[] | array of object | Organization's financials information. |
company_data.company_financials[].yearly_revenue | object | Organization's financials yearly revenue information. |
company_data.company_financials[].yearly_revenue.revenue | float | Annual revenue received from customers from the sale of the organization's goods and/or services for the year indicated. This means the gross sales minus any returns, rebates/discounts, allowances for damages or shortages, shipping expenses passed on to the customer, and amounts due where there is not a reasonable expectation of collection. |
company_data.company_financials[].yearly_revenue.code | string | Annual revenue received from customers from the sale of the organization's goods and/or services, classified according to a range, for the year indicated. |
company_data.company_financials[].yearly_revenue.currency | string | Annual revenue currency code, identifying the type of money in which this revenue is expressed. The three-letter currency code, defined in the ISO 4217 scheme (e.g., USD, CAD, GBP, EUR.) published by International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is used. |
company_data.company_financials[].yearly_revenue.year | integer | Annual revenue year. |
company_data.company_financials[].yearly_revenue.reported_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | Date on which the financial statements were deposited. |
company_data.company_financials[].yearly_revenue.type | string | Annual revenue type. (e.g., actual, inferred, modeled, etc.) for the year indicated. |
company_data.company_financials[].yearly_growth | object | Company's financials yearly growth information. |
company_data.company_financials[].yearly_growth.percentage | float | The percentage of the variation in the organization's income from the previous year. |
company_data.company_financials[].yearly_growth.code | string | Range of company financials yearly growth. |
company_data.company_financials[].yearly_growth.year | integer | Annual revenue growth year. |
company_data.company_financials[].yearly_growth.type | string | Annual revenue growth type. (e.g., actual, inferred, modeled, etc.) for the year indicated. |
company_data.company_financials[].priority | integer | Organization's financial information is normally used (in descending order of year). |
company_data.company_revenue_in_usd | integer | The current revenue of the organization converted into US dollars. |
company_data.company_revenue_in_usd_code | string | The current revenue of the organization converted into US dollars classified according to a range. |
company_data.company_industries[] | array of object | The organization's industries information. |
company_data.company_industries[].id | string | The unique identifier for the organization industry (Concatenation of the industry standard and "“_"” the highest industry code not null). |
company_data.company_industries[].code2 | string | Two-digit code that represents the organization's industry. |
company_data.company_industries[].name2 | string | The name associated with the two-digit code which represents the organization's industry. |
company_data.company_industries[].code3 | string | Three-digit code that represents the organization's industry. |
company_data.company_industries[].name3 | string | The name associated with the three-digit code which represents the organization's industry. |
company_data.company_industries[].code4 | string | Four-digit code that represents the organization's industry. |
company_data.company_industries[].name4 | string | The name associated with the four-digit code which represents the organization's industry. |
company_data.company_industries[].code5 | string | Five-digit code that represents the organization's industry. |
company_data.company_industries[].name5 | string | The name associated with the five-digit code which represents the organization's industry. |
company_data.company_industries[].code6 | string | Six-digit code that represents the organization's industry. |
company_data.company_industries[].name6 | string | The name associated with the six-digit code which represents the organization's industry. |
company_data.company_industries[].standard | string | The name of the standard of the industry associated with the organization. |
company_data.company_industries[].activity_priority | integer | Represents the priority of the activity of the industry identified in relation to the other activities of the organization. |
company_data.company_industries[].priority | integer | Represents the priority of the activity of the industry identified in relation to the other activities of the organization. |
company_data.company_stock_exchanges | object | The organization's stock exchange information on which the shares are primarily traded. |
company_data.company_stock_exchanges.ticker | string | Text by which the organization is identified on this stock exchange for share trading purposes. | | string | The name that the organization uses for commercial purposes. | | string | The stock exchange name on which the organization's shares are primarily traded. |
company_data.company_stock_exchanges.index | string | Name of the index where the company is listed. |
company_data.company_stock_exchanges.country_code | string | Standardized country code of the stock exchange location. |
company_data.company_stock_exchanges.market_valuation | float | The market value of the organization's shares. |
company_data.company_stock_exchanges.market_valuation_currency | string | The market value currency of the organization's shares. |
company_data.company_stock_exchanges.entry_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | The date on which the organization was introduced to the stock market. |
company_data.company_stock_exchanges.exit_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | The date on which the organization was retired from the stock market. |
company_data.company_primary_address | object | Organization's primary address information. |
company_data.company_primary_address.last_modified_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | Last modified Date when the organization primary address. |
company_data.company_primary_address.formatted_address | string | Primary address used by the organization in a human-readable format. |
company_data.company_primary_address.street_address | string | The primary street address used by the organization. |
company_data.company_primary_address.place_id | string | Google GeoCoding Place ID of the organization's primary address. | | float | Latitude of the organization's primary address. |
company_data.company_primary_address.lng | float | Longitude of the organization's primary address. |
company_data.company_primary_address.accuracy | string | Geocoding accuracy for the organization's primary address. |
company_data.company_primary_address.confidence_score | float | Geocoding confidence score for the organization's primary address. |
company_data.company_primary_address.quality | string | Geocoding quality for the organization's primary address. |
company_data.company_primary_address.administrative_area_level_1 | string | Geocoding administrative level 1 of the organization's primary address. |
company_data.company_primary_address.administrative_area_level_2 | string | Geocoding administrative level 2 of the organization's primary address. |
company_data.company_primary_address.administrative_area_level_3 | string | Geocoding administrative level 3 of the organization's primary address. |
company_data.company_primary_address.administrative_area_level_4 | string | Geocoding administrative level 4 of the organization's primary address. |
company_data.company_primary_address.administrative_area_level_5 | string | Geocoding administrative level 5 of the organization's primary address. |
company_data.company_primary_address.continent | string | Continent name of the organization's primary address. | | string | Country name of the organization's primary address. |
company_data.company_primary_address.country_code | string | Country code of the organization's primary address. |
company_data.company_primary_address.establishment | string | Geocoding establishment typically indicates a place that has not yet been categorized. |
company_data.company_primary_address.locality | string | Geocoding locality indicates an incorporated city or town political entity. |
company_data.company_primary_address.postal_code | string | Postal code of the organization's primary address. |
company_data.company_primary_address.postal_town | string | Postal town of the organization's primary address. |
company_data.company_primary_address.premise | string | Geocoding premise indicates a named location, usually a building or collection of buildings with a common name. |
company_data.company_primary_address.county | string | County of the organization's primary address. |
company_data.company_primary_address.state | string | Region of the organization's primary address. | | string | City of the organization's primary address. |
company_data.company_primary_address.street | string | Street of the organization's primary address. |
company_data.company_primary_address.street_number | string | Street number of the organization's primary address. |
company_data.company_primary_address.sublocality | string | Geocoding sub-locality is used for mailing addresses in some countries. |
company_data.company_primary_address.subpremise | string | Geocoding sub-premise indicates a first-order entity below a named location, usually a singular building within a collection of buildings with a common name. |
company_data.company_primary_address.score | float | Indicates, as a percentage, the score of the primary address. |
company_metrics | object | The organization's metrics information. |
company_metrics.marketability_score | float | Rhetorik proprietary marketability score of the organization. |
company_metrics.completion_score | float | Rhetorik completion score of the organization. |
company_detected_technologies[] | array of object | Organization's detected technologies information. |
company_detected_technologies[].technology_first_detected_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | The date when the technology was first detected in the organization. |
company_detected_technologies[].technology_last_detected_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | The date when the technology was last detected in the organization. |
company_detected_technologies[].technology_behind_firewall | boolean | Indicates that the technology is used behind the firewall of the organization. |
company_detected_technologies[].technology_product | object | Information on the technology product detected in the organization. |
company_detected_technologies[] | string | Product identifier of the technology detected. |
company_detected_technologies[] | string | Product name of the technology detected. |
company_detected_technologies[].technology_product.url | string | Product web address (URL) of the technology detected. |
company_detected_technologies[].technology_product.logo_url | string | Product logo web address (URL) of the technology detected. |
company_detected_technologies[].technology_vendor | object | Information on the vendor of the technological product detected in the organization. |
company_detected_technologies[] | string | Vendor identifier of the technology detected. |
company_detected_technologies[] | string | Vendor name of the technology detected. |
company_detected_technologies[].technology_vendor.url | string | Vendor web address (URL) of the technology detected. |
company_detected_technologies[].technology_vendor.logo_url | string | Vendor logo web address (URL) of the technology detected. |
company_detected_technologies[].technology_category | object | Product classification information of the technology detected according to Rhetorik taxonomy. |
company_detected_technologies[] | string | RTC Category identifier of the technology detected. |
company_detected_technologies[].technology_category.code2 | string | RTC two-digit code that represents the major category of the technology detected. |
company_detected_technologies[].technology_category.name2 | string | RTC major category name associated with the two-digit code. |
company_detected_technologies[].technology_category.code3 | string | RTC three-digit code that represents the broad category of the technology detected. |
company_detected_technologies[].technology_category.name3 | string | RTC broad category name associated with the three-digit code. |
company_detected_technologies[].technology_category.code4 | string | RTC four-digit code that represents the unit category of the technology detected. |
company_detected_technologies[].technology_category.name4 | string | RTC Unit category name associated with the four-digit code. |
company_detected_technologies[].tags[] | array of string | A series of terms which represents the detected technology at the textual level. Allows to classify detected technology according to other axes. |
company_detected_technologies[].technology_display_popularity | integer | Popularity score of detected technology based on all detections in all organizations. |
Updated 3 months ago
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