Profile Data Dictionary
January 2025
Name | Data Type | Description |
profile_data | object | The profile data of the profile. |
profile_data.profile_last_modified_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | The date when the profile was last reprocessed. |
profile_data.profile_last_seen_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | The date when the profile was last seen. |
profile_data.profile_id | string | The unique identifier of the profile. |
profile_data.profile_first_name | string | The first name of the profile. |
profile_data.profile_last_name | string | The last name of the profile. |
profile_data.profile_full_name | string | The full name of the profile. |
profile_data.profile_picture | object | The picture information of the profile. |
profile_data.profile_picture.url | string | The picture url of the profile. |
profile_data.profile_summary | string | The summary of the profile. |
profile_data.profile_languages[] | array of string | The languages of the profile. |
profile_data.profile_gender | object | The gender information of the profile. |
profile_data.profile_gender.gender | string | The gender of the profile. |
profile_data.profile_gender.confidence_score | float | The gender confidence score of the gender inferred. |
profile_data.profile_expertises[] | array of strings | The expertises of the profile. |
profile_data.profile_url | string | The Url of the profile. |
profile_data.profile_headline | string | The headline title of the profile. |
profile_data.profile_social_links[] | array of object | The social links of the profile. |
profile_data.profile_social_links[].name | string | The social network name. |
profile_data.profile_social_links[].url | string | The social network Url. |
profile_data.profile_tags[] | array of string | The tags of the profile. |
profile_data.profile_status | object | The status information of the profile. |
profile_data.profile_status.status | string | The status of the profile. |
profile_data.profile_prior_industries[] | array of string | The prior industries where the profile has experience. |
profile_data.profile_emails[] | array of object | The emails of the profile. |
profile_data.profile_emails[].email | string | The email address of the profile. |
profile_data.profile_emails[].priority | integer | The email address priority compares to all profile_emails. |
profile_data.profile_phones[] | array of object | The phones information of the profile. |
profile_data.profile_phones[].phone | string | The phone number of the profile that can be used for dialing. This sequence of digits includes the international dialing code, the area code or city code, and the domestic phone number. |
profile_data.profile_phones[].ddi | boolean | Indicates a direct dial-in phone number. |
profile_data.profile_phones[].dnc | boolean | Indicates if the phone number can be reached for sale and marketing purposes. |
profile_data.profile_phones[].type | string | The phone number type of line. |
profile_data.profile_phones[].carrier | string | The phone number carrier. |
profile_data.profile_phones[].priority | integer | The phone number priority compares to all profile_phones. |
profile_data.profile_address | object | The address information of the profile. |
profile_data.profile_address.last_modified_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | The last modified date of the profile address information. |
profile_data.profile_address.formatted_address | string | The address in a human-readable format. |
profile_data.profile_address.street_address | string | The street address of the profile. |
profile_data.profile_addrsss.place_id | string | The place_id generated to identify the profile address. | | float | The latitude of the profile address. |
profile_data.profile_address.lng | float | The longitude of the profile address. |
profile_data.profile_address.accuracy | string | The accuracy obtains during the profile address geocoding process. |
profile_data.profile_address.confidence_score | float | The confidence score obtains during the profile address geocoding process. |
profile_data.profile_address.quality | string | The quality obtains during the profile address geocoding process. |
profile_data.profile_address.administrative_area_level_1 | string | The administrative level 1 obtains during the profile address geocoding process. |
profile_data.profile_address.administrative_area_level_2 | string | The administrative level 2 obtains during the profile address geocoding process. |
profile_data.profile_address.administrative_area_level_3 | string | The administrative level 3 obtains during the profile address geocoding process. |
profile_data.profile_address.administrative_area_level_4 | string | The administrative level 4 obtains during the profile address geocoding process. |
profile_data.profile_address.administrative_area_level_5 | string | The administrative level 5 obtains during the profile address geocoding process. |
profile_data.profile_addresss.continent | string | The continent name of the profile address. | | string | The country name of the profile address. |
profile_data.profile_address.country_code | string | The country code of the profile address. |
profile_data.profile_address.establishment | string | The establishment of the profile address. |
profile_data.profile_address.locality | string | The locality of the profile address, indicates an incorporated city or town political entity. |
profile_data.profile_address.postal_code | string | The postal code of the profile address. |
profile_data.profile_address.postal_town | string | The postal town of the profile address. |
profile_data.profile_address.premise | string | The premise of the profile address, indicates a named location, usually a building or collection of buildings with a common name. |
profile_data.profile_address.county | string | The county of the profile address. |
profile_data.profile_address.state | string | The region of the profile address. | | string | The city of the profile address. |
profile_data.profile_address.street | string | The street of the profile address. |
profile_data.profile_address.street_number | string | The street number of the profile address. |
profile_data.profile_address.sublocality | string | The sub-locality of the profile address is used for mailing addresses in some countries. |
profile_data.profile_address.subpremise | string | The sub-premise of the profile address, indicates a first-order entity below a named location, usually a singular building within a collection of buildings with a common name. |
profile_data.profile_address.score | float | The score of the profile address. |
profile_data.raw_location | string | The raw location of the profile. |
contact_data | object | The contact data of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_last_modified_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | The date when the contact data of the profile was last reprocessed. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[] | array of object | The current experiences of the profile. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_id | string | The company identification of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_name | string | The company name of the experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_domain | string | The company domain of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_logo_url | string | The company logo Url of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_web_address | object | The company web address information of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_web_address.url | string | The company web address Url of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_web_address.rank | integer | The company Url rank of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_employees | object | The company employees' information of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_employees.number_of_employees | integer | The company number of employees of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_employees.number_of_employees_code | string | The company number of employees code of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_employees.number_of_employees_min | integer | The company number of employees (min) of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_employees.number_of_employees_max | integer | The company number of employees (max) of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_industry | string | The company industry of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_id | string | The office identification of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_address | object | The office address information of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_address.last_modified_date | date | The last modified date of the office address current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_address.formatted_address | string | The address in a human-readable format of the office address current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_address.street_address | string | The street address of the office address current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_address.place_id | string | The place_id generated to identify the office address of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[] | float | The latitude of the office address current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_address.lng | float | The longitude of the office address current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_address.accuracy | string | The accuracy obtained during the office address current experience geocoding process. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_address.confidence_score | float | The confidence score obtained during the office address current experience geocoding process. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_address.quality | string | The office address quality obtained during the office address current experience geocoding process. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_address.administrative_area_level_1 | string | The administrative level 1 obtain during the office address current experience geocoding process. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_address.administrative_area_level_2 | string | The administrative level 2 obtain during the office address current experience geocoding process. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_address.administrative_area_level_3 | string | The administrative level 3 obtain during the office address current experience geocoding process. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_address.administrative_area_level_4 | string | The administrative level 4 obtain during the office address current experience geocoding process. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_address.administrative_area_level_5 | string | The administrative level 5 obtain during the office address current experience geocoding process. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_address.continent | string | The continent name of the office address current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[] | string | The country name of the office address current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_address.country_code | string | The country code of the office address current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_address.establishment | string | The establishment of the office address current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_address.locality | string | The locality of the office address current experience, indicates an incorporated city or town political entity. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_address.postal_code | string | The postal code of the office address current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_address.postal_town | string | The postal town of the office address current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_address.premise | string | The premise of the office address current experience, indicates a named location, usually a building or collection of buildings with a common name. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_address.county | string | The county of the office address current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_address.state | string | The region of the office address current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[] | string | The city of the office address current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_address.street | string | The street of the office address current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_address.street_number | string | The street number of the office address current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_address.sublocality | string | The sub-locality of the office address current experience, used for mailing addresses in some countries. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_address.subpremise | string | The sub-premise of the office address current experience, indicates a first-order entity below a named location, usually a singular building within a collection of buildings with a common name. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_address.score | float | The score of the office address current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].job_title | string | The job title of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].job_title_details | object | The job title details information of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].job_title_details.raw_job_title | object | The raw job title information of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].job_title_details.raw_job_title.job_title | string | The raw job title of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].job_title_details.raw_job_title.language_code | string | The language code of the raw job title of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].job_title_details.raw_job_title.language_detetion_confidence_score | float | The language detection confidence score of the raw job title. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].job_title_details.raw_translated_job_title | object | The raw translated job title information of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].job_title_details.raw_translated_job_title.job_title | string | The raw job title translation of this current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].job_title_details.normalized_job_title | object | The normalized job title information of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[] | integer | The normalized job title identifier of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].job_title_details.normalized_job_title.job_title | string | The normalized job title of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].job_functions[] | array of object | The job functions information of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].job_functions[].level1 | object | The job function level 1 information of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].job_functions[].level1.code | string | The job function level 1 code of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].job_functions[] | string | The job function level 1 name of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].job_functions[].level1.confidence_score | float | The job function level 1 confidence_score of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].job_functions[].level2 | object | The job function level 2 of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].job_functions[].level2.code | string | The job function level 2 code of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].job_functions[] | string | The job function level 2 name of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].job_functions[].level2.confidence_score | float | The job function level 2 confidence_score of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].job_functions[].level3 | object | The job function level 3 of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].job_functions[].level3.code | string | The job function level 3 code of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].job_functions[] | string | The job function level 3 name of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].job_functions[].level3.confidence_score | float | The job function level 3 confidence_score of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].job_functions[].score | float | The job function level overall score of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].job_functions[].priority | integer | The job function level priority of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].job_seniority | object | The job seniority information of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].job_seniority.job_level | string | The job seniority level name of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].start_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | The start date of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].end_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | The end date of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].summary | string | The summary of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].current | boolean | Indicates that the current experience is current. To keep uniformity with resume_data.experiences. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].priority | integer | The priority of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_social_links[] | array of object | The company's social links of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_social_links[].linkedin | object | The company's linkedin social link information of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_social_links[].linkedin.url | string | The company’s linkedin Url of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_social_links[].twitter | object | The company’s twitter social link information of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_social_links[].twitter.url | string | The company’s twitter Url of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_social_links[].facebook | object | The company’s facebook social link information of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_social_links[].facebook.url | string | The company’s facebook Url of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_social_links[].instagram | object | The company’s instagram social link information of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_social_links[].instagram.url | string | The company’s instagram Url of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_social_links[].youtube | object | The company’s youtube social link information of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_social_links[].youtube.url | string | The company’s youtube Url of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_social_links[].youtube | object | The company’s youtube social link information of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_social_links[].youtube.url | string | The company’s youtube Url of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_social_links[].crunchbase | object | The company’s crunchbase information of the experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_social_links[].crunchbase.url | string | The company’s crunchbase Url of the experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_social_links[].yelp | object | The company’s yelp information of the experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_social_links[].yelp.url | string | The company’s yelp Url of the experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_industries[] | array of object | The company industries information of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_industries[].id | string | The company industry identifier of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_industries[].code2 | string | The company industry two-digit code of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_industries[].name2 | string | The company industry name associated with the two-digit code of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_industries[].code3 | string | The company industry three-digit code of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_industries[].name3 | string | The company industry name associated with the three-digit code of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_industries[].code4 | string | The company industry four-digit code of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_industries[].name4 | string | The company industry name associated with the four-digit code of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_industries[].code5 | string | The company industry five-digit code of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_industries[].name5 | string | The company industry name associated with the five-digit code of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_industries[].code6 | string | The company industry six-digit code of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_industries[].name6 | string | The company industry name associated with the six-digit code of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_industries[].standard | string | The company industry standard name of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_industries[].activity_priority | integer | Indicates the priority of this activity among all others industries associations for this company. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_industries[].priority | integer | Indicates the priority of the industry among all others industries associations for this company. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_industries[] | array of object | The office industries information of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_industries[].id | string | The office industry identifier of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_industries[].code2 | string | The office industry two-digit code of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[]].office_industries[].name2 | string | The office industry name associated with the two-digit code of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_industries[].code3 | string | The office industry three-digit code of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_industries[].name3 | string | The office industry name associated with the three-digit code of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_industries[].code4 | string | The office industry four-digit code of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_industries[].name4 | string | The office industry name associated with the four-digit code of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_industries[].code5 | string | The office industry five-digit code of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_industries[].name5 | string | The office industry name associated with the five-digit code of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_industries[].code6 | string | The office industry six-digit code of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].experiences[].office_industries[].name6 | string | The office industry name associated with the six-digit code of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_industries[].standard | string | The office industry standard name of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_industries[].activity_priority | integer | Indicates the priority of this activity among all others industries associations for this office. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].office_industries[].priority | integer | Indicates the priority of the industry among all others industries associations for this office. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_phones[] | array of object | The company phones information of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_phones[].phone | string | The company phone number of the current experience that can be used for dialing. This sequence of digits includes the international dialing code, the area code or city code, and the domestic phone number. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_phones[].ddi | boolean | Indicates a direct dial-in company phone number of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_phones[].dnc | boolean | Indicates if the company phone number can be reached for sale and marketing purposes. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_phones[].type | string | The company phone number type of line. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_phones[].carrier | string | The company phone number carrier. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].company_phones[].priority | integer | The company phone number priority compares to all company_phones of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_current_experiences[].raw_location | string | The raw location of the current experience. |
contact_data.contact_emails[] | array of object | The contact email information. |
contact_data.contact_emails[].email | string | The contact email address. |
contact_data.contact_emails[].priority | integer | The contact email address priority compares to all contact_emails. |
contact_data.contact_phones[] | array of object | The contact phone information. |
contact_data.contact_phones[].phone | string | The contact phone number that can be used for dialing. This sequence of digits includes the international dialing code, the area code or city code, and the domestic phone number. |
contact_data.contact_phones[].ddi | Indicates a direct dial-in contact phone number. | |
contact_data.contact_phones[].dnc | boolean | Indicates if the contact phone number can be reached for sale and marketing purposes. |
contact_data.contact_phones[].type | string | The contact phone number type of line. |
contact_data.contact_phones[].carrier | string | The contact phone number carrier. |
contact_data.contact_phones[].priority | integer | The contact phone number priority compares to all contact_phones. |
contact_data.contact_tags[] | array of string | The contact tags of the profile. |
resume_data | object | The resume data of the profile. |
resume_data.resume_last_modified_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | The date when the resume data of the profile was last reprocessed. |
resume_data.experiences[] | object | The experiences of the profile. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_id | string | The company identification of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_name | string | The company name of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_domain | string | The company domain of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_logo_url | string | The company logo Url of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_web_address | object | The company web address information of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_web_address.url | string | The company web address Url of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_web_address.rank | integer | The company Url rank of the current experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_employees | object | The company employees' information of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_employees.number_of_employees | integer | The company number of employees of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_employees.number_of_employees_code | string | The company number of employees code of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_employees.number_of_employees_min | integer | The company number of employees (min) of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_employees.number_of_employees_max | integer | The company number of employees (max) of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].resume_data.experiences[].company_industry | string | The company industry of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_id | string | The office identification of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_address | object | The office address information of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_address.last_modified_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | The last modified date of the office address experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_address.formatted_address | string | The address in a human-readable format of the office address experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_address.street_address | string | The street address of the office address experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_address.place_id | string | The place_id generated to identify the office address of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[] | float | The latitude of the office address experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_address.lng | float | The longitude of the office address experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_address.accuracy | string | The accuracy obtained during the office address experience geocoding process. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_address.confidence_score | float | The confidence score obtained during the office address experience geocoding process. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_address.quality | string | The office address quality obtained during the office address experience geocoding process. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_address.administrative_area_level_1 | string | The administrative level 1 obtained during the office address experience geocoding process. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_address.administrative_area_level_2 | string | The administrative level 2 obtained during the office address experience geocoding process. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_address.administrative_area_level_3 | string | The administrative level 3 obtained during the office address experience geocoding process. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_address.administrative_area_level_4 | string | The administrative level 4 obtained during the office address experience geocoding process. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_address.administrative_area_level_5 | string | The administrative level 5 obtained during the office address experience geocoding process. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_address.continent | string | The continent name of the office address experience. |
resume_data.experiences[] | string | The country name of the office address experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_address.country_code | string | The country code of the office address experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_address.establishment | string | The establishment of the office address experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_address.locality | string | The locality of the office address experience, indicates an incorporated city or town political entity. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_address.postal_code | string | The postal code of the office address experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_address.postal_town | string | The postal town of the office address experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_address.premise | string | The premise of the office address experience, indicates a named location, usually a building or collection of buildings with a common name. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_address.county | string | The county of the office address experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_address.state | string | The region of the office address experience. |
resume_data.experiences[] | string | The city of the office address experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_address.street | string | The street of the office address experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_address.street_number | string | The street number of the office address experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_address.sublocality | string | The sub-locality of the office address experience, used for mailing addresses in some countries. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_address.subpremise | string | The sub-premise of the office address experience, indicates a first-order entity below a named location, usually a singular building within a collection of buildings with a common name. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_address.score | float | The score of the office address experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].job_title | string | The job title of the current experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].job_title_details | object | The job title details information of the current experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].job_title_details.raw_job_title | object | The raw job title information of the current experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].job_title_details.raw_job_title.job_title | string | The raw job title of the current experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].job_title_details.raw_translated_job_title | object | The raw translated job title information of the current experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].job_title_details.raw_translated_job_title.job_title | string | The raw job title translation of this current experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].job_title_details.normalized_job_title | object | The normalized job title information of the current experience. |
resume_data.experiences[] | integer | The normalized job title identifier of the current experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].job_title_details.normalized_job_title.job_title | string | The normalized job title of the current experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].job_functions[] | array of object | The job functions information of the current experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].job_functions[].level1 | object | The job function level 1 information of the current experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].job_functions[].level1.code | string | The job function level 1 code of the current experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].job_functions[] | string | The job function level 1 name of the current experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].job_functions[].level1.confidence_score | float | The job function level 1 confidence_score of the current experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].job_functions[].level2 | object | The job function level 2 of the current experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].job_functions[].level2.code | string | The job function level 2 code of the current experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].job_functions[] | string | The job function level 2 name of the current experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].job_functions[].level2.confidence_score | float | The job function level 2 confidence_score of the current experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].job_functions[].level3 | object | The job function level 3 of the current experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].job_functions[].level3.code | string | The job function level 3 code of the current experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].job_functions[] | string | The job function level 3 name of the current experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].job_functions[].level3.confidence_score | float | The job function level 3 confidence_score of the current experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].job_functions[].score | float | The job function level overall score of the current experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].job_functions[].priority | integer | The job function level priority of the current experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].job_seniority | object | The job seniority information of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].job_seniority.job_level | string | The job seniority level name of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].start_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | The start date of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].end_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | The end date of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].summary | string | The summary of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].current | boolean | Indicates that the experience is current. To keep uniformity with resume_data.experiences. |
resume_data.experiences[].priority | integer | The priority of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_social_links[] | array of object | The company’s social links of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_social_links[].linkedin | object | The company’s linkedin social link information of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_social_links[].linkedin.url | string | The company’s linkedin Url of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_social_links[].twitter | object | The company’s twitter social link information of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_social_links[].twitter.url | string | The company’s twitter Url of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_social_links[].facebook | object | The company’s facebook social link information of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_social_links[].facebook.url | string | The company’s facebook Url of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_social_links[].instagram | object | The company’s instagram social link information of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_social_links[].instagram.url | string | The company’s instagram Url of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_social_links[].youtube | object | The company’s youtube social link information of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_social_links[].youtube.url | string | The company’s youtube Url of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_social_links[].crunchbase | object | The company’s crunchbase information of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_social_links[].crunchbase.url | string | The company’s crunchbase Url of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_social_links[].yelp | object | The company’s yelp information of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_social_links[].yelp.url | string | The company’s yelp Url of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_industries[] | array of object | The company industries information of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_industries[].id | string | The company industry identifier of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_industries[].code2 | string | The company industry two-digit code of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_industries[].name2 | string | The company industry name associated with the two-digit code of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_industries[].code3 | string | The company industry three-digit code of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_industries[].name3 | string | The company industry name associated with the three-digit code of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_industries[].code4 | string | The company industry four-digit code of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_industries[].name4 | string | The company industry name associated with the four-digit code of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_industries[].code5 | string | The company industry five-digit code of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_industries[].name5 | string | The company industry name associated with the five-digit code of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_industries[].code6 | string | The company industry six-digit code of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_industries[].name6 | string | The company industry name associated with the six-digit code of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_industries[].standard | string | The company industry standard name of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_industries[].activity_priority | integer | Indicates the priority of this activity among all others industries associations for this company. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_industries[].priority | integer | Indicates the priority of the industry among all others industries associations for this company. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_industries[] | array of object | The office industries information of the current experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_industries[].id | string | The office industry identifier of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_industries[].code2 | string | The office industry two-digit code of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_industries[].name2 | string | The office industry name associated with the two-digit code of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_industries[].code3 | string | The office industry three-digit code of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_industries[].name3 | string | The office industry name associated with the three-digit code of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_industries[].code4 | string | The office industry four-digit code of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_industries[].name4 | string | The office industry name associated with the four-digit code of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_industries[].code5 | string | The office industry five-digit code of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_industries[].name5 | string | The office industry name associated with the five-digit code of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_industries[].code6 | string | The office industry six-digit code of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_industries[].name6 | string | The office industry name associated with the six-digit code of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_industries[].standard | string | The office industry standard name of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_industries[].activity_priority | integer | Indicates the priority of this activity among all others industries associations for this office. |
resume_data.experiences[].office_industries[].priority | integer | Indicates the priority of the industry among all others industries associations for this office. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_phones[] | array of object | The company phones information of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_phones[].phone | string | The company phone number of the experience that can be used for dialing. This sequence of digits includes the international dialing code, the area code or city code, and the domestic phone number. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_phones[].ddi | boolean | Indicates a direct dial-in company phone number of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_phones[].dnc | boolean | Indicates if the company phone number can be reached for sale and marketing purposes. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_phones[].type | string | The company phone number type of line. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_phones[].carrier | string | The company phone number carrier. |
resume_data.experiences[].company_phones[].priority | integer | The company phone number priority compares to all company_phones of the experience. |
resume_data.experiences[].raw_location | string | The raw location of the experience. |
resume_data.educations[] | array of object | The educations of the profile. |
resume_data.educations[].educational_establishment | string | The educational establishment name of the education. |
resume_data.educations[].diploma | string | The diploma name of the education. |
resume_data.educations[].specialization | string | The specialization name of the education. |
resume_data.educations[].start_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | The start date of the education. |
resume_data.educations[].end_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | The end date of the education. |
resume_data.educations[].educational_establishment_web_address | object | The web address information of the educational establishment. |
resume_data.educations[].educational_establishment_web_address.url | string | The Url of the educational establishment. |
resume_data.educations.educational_establishment_web_address.rank | integer | The rank of the Url educational establishment. |
resume_data.educations[].priority | integer | The priority of the education. |
resume_data.certifications[] | array of object | The certifications of the profile. |
resume_data.certifications[].name | string | The name of the certification. |
resume_data.certifications[].description | string | The description of the certification. |
resume_data.certifications[].reference | string | The reference integer of the certification. |
resume_data.certifications[].web_address | object | The web address information of the certification. |
resume_data.certifications[].web_address.url | string | The Url of the certification. |
resume_data.certifications[].web_address.rank | integer | The global traffic rank of the Url certification. |
resume_data.certifications[].date | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | The date of the certification. |
resume_data.certifications[].start_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | The start date of the certification. |
resume_data.certifications[].end_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | The end date of the certification. |
resume_data.certifications[].priority | integer | The priority of the certification. |
resume_data.certifications[].authority | string | The authority of the certification. |
resume_data.memberships[] | array of object | The memberships of the profile. |
resume_data.memberships[].title | string | The title of the membership. |
resume_data.memberships[].description | string | The description of the membership. |
resume_data.memberships[].reference | string | The reference of the membership. |
resume_data.memberships[].web_address | object | The web address information of the membership. |
resume_data.memberships[].web_address.url | string | The Url of the membership. |
resume_data.memberships[].web_address.rank | integer | The global traffic rank of the Url membership. |
resume_data.memberships[].name | string | The name of the membership. |
resume_data.memberships[].start_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | The start date of the membership. |
resume_data.memberships[].end_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | The end name of the membership. |
resume_data.memberships[].location | string | The location of the membership. |
resume_data.memberships[].priority | integer | The priority of the membership. |
resume_data.publications[] | array of object | The publications of the profile. |
resume_data.publications[].name | string | The name of the publication. |
resume_data.publications[].description | string | The description of the publication. |
resume_data.publications[].reference | string | The reference of the publication. |
resume_data.publications[].web_address | object | The web address information of the publication. |
resume_data.publications[].web_address.url | string | The Url of the publication. |
resume_data.publications[].web_address.rank | integer | The global traffic rank of the Url publication. |
resume_data.publications[].date | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | The date of the publication. |
resume_data.publications[].priority | integer | The priority of the publication. |
resume_data.publications[].issue | string | The issue of the publication. |
resume_data.patents[] | array of object | The patents of the profile. |
resume_data.patents[].name | string | The name of the patent. |
resume_data.patents[].issue | string | The authority that issues the patent. |
resume_data.patents[].number | string | The number of the patent authority. |
resume_data.patents[].web_address | object | The web address information of the patent authority. |
resume_data.patents[].web_address.url | string | The Url of the patent authority. |
resume_data.patents[].web_address.rank | integer | The global traffic rank of the Url of the patent authority. |
resume_data.patents[].date | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | The date of the patent. |
resume_data.patents[].start_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | The start date of the patent. |
resume_data.patents[].end_date | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | The end date of the patent. |
resume_data.patents[].priority | integer | The priority of the patent. |
resume_data.awards[] | array of object | The awards of the profile. |
resume_data.awards[].name | string | The name of the award. |
resume_data.awards[].description | string | The description of the award. |
resume_data.awards[].issue | string | The organization that issues the award. |
resume_data.awards[].date | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | The date of the award. |
resume_data.awards[].priority | integer | The priority of the award. |
resume_data.resume_tags[] | array of string | The resume tags of the profile. |
profile_metrics | object | The metrics information of the profile. |
profile_metrics.completion_score | float | The completion score of the profile. |
Updated about 2 months ago