Profile Schema

January 2025

The profile schema has three sections:

  • profile_data section contains all information related to the profile. We can think of the profile name, phone number, profile email address,profile social networks, profile address.

  • contact_data section contains all information related to the current experiences of the profile. Including emails and phone numbers.

  • resume_data section contains all information related to the resume of the profile. We can think of the educations, experiences, certifications, memberships, publications, patents and awards.

  • profile_metrics contains statistical indicators on the profile.

    "profile_data": {
       "profile_last_modified_date": "string (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)",
       "profile_last_seen_date": "string (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)",
       "profile_id": "string",
       "profile_first_name": "string",
       "profile_last_name": "string",
       "profile_full_name": "string",
       "profile_picture": {
          "url":  "string"
       "profile_summary": "string",
       "profile_languages": ["string"],
       "profile_gender": {
          "gender": "string",
          "confidence_score": "float"
       "profile_expertises": ["string"],
       "profile_social_links": [
             "name": "string",
             "url": "string"
       "profile_tags": ["string"],
       "profile_status": {
          "status": "string",
          "status_last_verification_date": "string",
          "score": "float"
       "profile_prior_industries": ["string"],
       "profile_emails": [
          "email": "string",
          "priority": "integer"
       "profile_phones": [
          "phone": "string",
          "ddi": "boolean",
          "dnc": "boolean",
          "type": "string",
          "carrier": "string",
          "priority": "integer"
       "profile_address": {
          "last_modified_date": "string",
          "formatted_address": "string",
          "street_address":  "string",
          "place_id": "string",
          "lat": "float",
          "lng": "float",
          "accuracy": "string",
          "confidence_score": "float",
          "quality": "string",
          "administrative_area_level_1": "string",
          "administrative_area_level_2": "string",
          "administrative_area_level_3": "string",
          "administrative_area_level_4": "string",
          "administrative_area_level_5": "string",
          "continent": "string",
          "country": "string",
          "country_code": "string",
          "establishment": "string",
          "locality": "string",
          "postal_code": "string",
          "postal_town": "string",
          "premise": "string",    
          "county": "string",
          "state": "string",
          "city": "string",
          "street": "string",
          "street_number": "string",
          "sublocality": "string",
          "subpremise": "string",
          "score": "float"
       "raw_location": "string",
       "profile_headline": "string",
                "skill_id": "string",
                "skill_name": "string",
                "category_id": "integer",
                "category": "string",
                "subcategory_id": "integer",
                "subcategory": "string",
                "confidence_score": "float"
    "contact_data": {
       "contact_last_modified_date": "string",
       "contact_current_experiences": [
          "company_id": "string",
          "office_id": "string",
          "company_name": "string",
          "company_domain": "string",
          "company_logo_url": "string",
          "company_web_address": {
             "url": "string",
             "rank": "integer"
          "company_employees": {
             "number_of_employees": "integer",
             "number_of_employees_code": "string",
             "number_of_employees_min": "integer",
             "number_of_employees_max": "integer"
          "company_industry": "string",
          "office_address": {
             "last_modified_date": "string",
             "formatted_address": "string",
             "street_address": "string",
             "place_id": "string",
             "lat": "float",
             "lng": "float",
             "accuracy": "string",
             "confidence_score": "float",
             "quality": "string",
             "administrative_area_level_1": "string",
             "administrative_area_level_2": "string",
             "administrative_area_level_3": "string",
             "administrative_area_level_4": "string",
             "administrative_area_level_5": "string",
             "continent": "string",
             "country": "string",
             "country_code": "string",
             "establishment": "string",
             "locality": "string",
             "postal_code": "string",
             "postal_town": "string",
             "premise": "string",    
             "county": "string",
             "state": "string",
             "city": "string",
             "street": "string",
             "street_number": "string",
             "sublocality": "string",
             "subpremise": "string",
             "score": "float"
          "job_title": "string",
          "job_title_details": {
             "raw_job_title": {
                "job_title": "string", 
                "language_code": "string",
                "language_detetion_confidence_score": "float"
             "raw_translated_job_title": {
                "job_title": "string"
             "normalized_job_title": {
                "id": "integer",
                "job_title": "string"  
          "job_functions": [
             "level1": {
                "code": "string",
                "name": "string",
                "confidence_score": "float"
             "level2": {
                "code": "string",
                "name": "string",
                "confidence_score": "float"
             "level3": {
                "code": "string",
                "name": "string",
                "confidence_score": "float"
             "priority": "integer"
          "job_seniority": {
             "job_level": "string"
          "start_date": "string (YYYY-MM-DD)",
          "end_date": "string (YYYY-MM-DD)",
          "summary": "string",
          "current": "boolean",
          "priority": "integer",
          "company_social_links": {
               "linkedin": {
                     "url": "string"
               "twitter": {
                     "url": "string"
               "facebook": {
                     "url": "string"
               "instagram": {
                     "url": "string"
               "youtube": {
                     "url": "string"
               "crunchbase": {
                  "url": "string"
               "yelp": {
                  "url": "string"
          "company_industries": [
             "id": "string",
             "code2": "string",
             "name2": "string",
             "code3": "string",
             "name3": "string",
             "code4": "string",
             "name4": "string",
             "code5": "string",
             "name5": "string",
             "code6": "string",
             "name6": "string",
             "standard": "string",
             "activity_priority": "integer",
             "priority": "integer"
          "office_industries": [
             "id": "string",
             "code2": "string",
             "name2": "string",
             "code3": "string",
             "name3": "string",
             "code4": "string",
             "name4": "string",
             "code5": "string",
             "name5": "string",
             "code6": "string",
             "name6": "string",
             "standard": "string",
             "activity_priority": "integer",
             "priority": "integer"
          "company_phones": [
             "phone": "string",
             "ddi": "boolean",
             "dnc": "boolean",
             "type": "string",
             "carrier": "string",
             "priority": "integer"
         "raw_location": "string"
       "contact_emails": [
            "email": "string",
            "priority": "integer"
       "contact_phones": [
            "phone": "string",
            "ddi": "boolean",
            "dnc": "boolean",
            "type": "string",
            "carrier": "string",
            "priority": "integer"
       "contact_tags": ["string"]
    "resume_data": {
        "resume_last_modified_date": "string",
        "experiences": [
           "company_id": "string",
           "office_id": "string",
           "company_name": "string",
           "company_domain": "string",
           "company_logo_url": "string",
           "company_web_address": {
              "url": "string",
              "rank": "integer"
           "company_employees": {
              "number_of_employees": "integer",
              "number_of_employees_code": "string",
              "number_of_employees_min": "integer",
              "number_of_employees_max": "integer"
           "company_industry": "string",
           "office_address": {
              "last_modified_date": "string",
              "formatted_address": "string",
              "street_address": "string",
              "place_id": "string",
              "lat": "float",
              "lng": "float",
              "accuracy": "string",
              "confidence_score": "float",
              "quality": "string",
              "administrative_area_level_1": "string",
              "administrative_area_level_2": "string",
              "administrative_area_level_3": "string",
              "administrative_area_level_4": "string",
              "administrative_area_level_5": "string",
              "continent": "string",
              "country": "string",
              "country_code": "string",
              "establishment": "string",
              "locality": "string",
              "postal_code": "string",
              "postal_town": "string",
              "premise": "string",    
              "county": "string",
              "state": "string",
              "city": "string",
              "street": "string",
              "street_number": "string",
              "sublocality": "string",
              "subpremise": "string",
              "score": "float"
           "job_title": "string",
           "job_title_details": {
              "raw_job_title": {
                 "job_title": "string", 
                 "language_code": "string",
                 "language_detetion_confidence_score": "float"
              "raw_translated_job_title": {
                 "job_title": "string"
              "normalized_job_title": {
                 "id": "integer",
                 "job_title": "string"  
           "job_functions": [
              "level1": {
                 "code": "string",
                 "name": "string",
                 "confidence_score": "float"
              "level2": {
                 "code": "string",
                 "name": "string",
                 "confidence_score": "float"
              "level3": {
                 "code": "string",
                 "name": "string",
                 "confidence_score": "float"
              "priority": "integer"
           "job_seniority": {
              "job_level": "string"
           "start_date": "string (YYYY-MM-DD)",
           "end_date": "string (YYYY-MM-DD)",
           "summary": "string",
           "current": "boolean",
           "priority": "integer",
           "company_social_links": {
               "linkedin": {
                     "url": "string"
               "twitter": {
                     "url": "string"
               "facebook": {
                     "url": "string"
               "instagram": {
                     "url": "string"
               "youtube": {
                     "url": "string"
               "crunchbase": {
                  "url": "string"
               "yelp": {
                  "url": "string"
           "company_industries": [
              "id": "string",
              "code2": "string",
              "name2": "string",
              "code3": "string",
              "name3": "string",
              "code4": "string",
              "name4": "string",
              "code5": "string",
              "name5": "string",
              "code6": "string",
              "name6": "string",
              "standard": "string",
              "activity_priority": "integer",
              "priority": "integer"
           "office_industries": [
              "id": "string",
              "code2": "string",
              "name2": "string",
              "code3": "string",
              "name3": "string",
              "code4": "string",
              "name4": "string",
              "code5": "string",
              "name5": "string",
              "code6": "string",
              "name6": "string",
              "standard": "string",
              "activity_priority": "integer",
              "priority": "integer"
           "company_phones": [
              "phone": "string",
              "ddi": "boolean",
              "dnc": "boolean",
              "type": "string",
              "carrier": "string",
              "priority": "integer"
            "raw_location": "string"
        "educations": [
           "educational_establishment": "string",
           "diploma": "string",
           "specialization": "string",
           "start_date": "string (YYYY-MM-DD)",
           "end_date": "string (YYYY-MM-DD)",
           "educational_establishment_web_address": {
              "url": "string",
              "rank": "integer"
           "priority": "integer"
        "certifications": [
           "name": "string",
           "description": "string",
           "authority": "string",
           "reference": "string",
           "web_address": {
              "url": "string",
              "rank": "integer"
           "date": "string (YYYY-MM-DD)",
           "start_date": "string (YYYY-MM-DD)",
           "end_date": "string (YYYY-MM-DD)",
           "priority": "integer"
        "memberships": [
           "title": "string",
           "description": "string",
           "reference": "string",
           "web_address": {
              "url": "string",
              "rank": "integer"
           "name": "string",
           "start_date": "string (YYYY-MM-DD)",
           "end_date": "string (YYYY-MM-DD)",
           "location": "string",
           "priority": "integer"
        "publications": [
           "name": "string",
           "description": "string",
           "reference": "string",
           "issue": "string",         
           "web_address": {
              "url": "string",
              "rank": "integer"
           "date": "string (YYYY-MM-DD)",
           "priority": "integer"
        "patents": [
           "name": "string",
           "issue": "string",
           "number": "string",
           "web_address": {
              "url": "string",
              "rank": "integer"
           "date": "string (YYYY-MM-DD)",
           "start_date": "string (YYYY-MM-DD)",
           "end_date": "string (YYYY-MM-DD)",
           "priority": "integer"
        "awards": [
           "name": "string",
           "description": "string",
           "issue": "string",
           "date": "string (YYYY-MM-DD)",
           "priority": "integer"
        "resume_tags": ["string"]
    "profile_metrics": {
       "completion_score": "float"